Monday, September 14, 2009

Soaking up what's left of the summer.

Well, it's gotten cooler outside here in Southern Alberta. And with that comes some frightening thoughts of what lies ahead...a Canadian winter! This summer was great. Being off work to stay at home with my baby and enjoy the heat...what could be better?! So, with the change in the weather soon arriving, I have promised to get outside every time it is remotely nice, because the season is coming when going out will not be the funnest idea in the world.
On Saturday, our little family went to Gyro park. It is a park that we live close to and it's a nice quiet place to bring Summer in the stroller. Since it was a nice sunny day, we went to get some fresh air and to take a few pictures. Summer absolutely loved the swings. And while I thought she was too little to go on them, Thomas put her right up on it and she giggled like crazy! It's unbelievable the things she can do all by herself now...My baby is growing so fast!


Lacey said...

I to am getting so sad that summer is coming to an end! But we still got a little heat down here in Portland if ya wanna come visit!!!! Hint, hint. Anyways love the picture of summer on the the monkey bar, she is growing up way to fast!

lynz said...

awww! i love taking becks to parks even though there isn't too much he can do yet! he loves the swings too and good for you for taking advantage of what's left of summer :) i hear you guys are going to have a summerful week (weather-wise) up there so enjoy!

Amanda said...

Summer is too cute! I love the picture of her sitting on that little seat thing and holding on! So cute!

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